1 Stop All Criticism

  • Stop criticizing yourself and others.
  • Criticism diminishes the soul.

2 Stop Scaring Yourself

We work up the scariest scenarios and they are all in our minds.  But if you stop for a moment you’ll realize they’re all just thoughts.  So stop terrifying yourself and thinking “the worste will happen”


yoga girl in free people sweater with white retriever dog power thought quote cards louise hay
yoga girl in bohemian home with white fluffy dog

3 Be Patient With Yourself

  • Do you feel your blood pressure start to rise when your line at the grocery store moves slower than those around you?
    haha, I’m guilty of this for sure!
  • We often are so eternally patient with others, but lack this quality when it come to ourselves.

*What are some ways you can be more patient with yourself?


4 Praise Yourself

It’s not vanity to compliment yourself on your occomplishments.  Criticism diminishes the soul while praise builds it up.