Girls’ matching rash guard suits


SUIT: sold out (same style here)

TEE (a favorite!) | CORAL SUIT: similar


Summer without time in the sun is like cereal without milk.  We’ve been making the most of our summer sun for sure!  We go to the pool every day.  Sometimes twice.  The beach every weekend.  And coloring the driveway with chalk and playing in the hose.

Now I know for some, the sun is NOT your friend and you burn like nobody’s business aka my husband ;). You can still have a nice tan though, check out that post HERE.  ANd just because you burn doesn’t mean you should hide from the sun, but neither do I think you should be careless about protecting your skin either.  But I’ll be honest, for my entire life I’ve NEVER worn sunscreen, seriously I can count the amount of times on two hands.  For me and my sisters it was alway “layer on the oil!”  And I know that what I’m about to say may rub some the wrong way, but I honestly believe that skin cancer and sun damage isn’t so much the lack of spf, but the reaction the sun has with what we put into our bodies.  I’m also of the belief that most sunscreens do squat and sometimes the chemicals in them make things worse!  Remember those times I mentioned wearing sunscreen that I can actually count on 2 hands?  Well every SINGLE one of those times I wore sunscreen, I would burn (and I don’t typically burn) EVERY TIME!  So that’s why I eventually just said the heck with it!  Now that being said, I’m not anti sunscreen, I’m just all about paying attention to your body, how it reacts, what makes it react etc. and not just doing things because they’re the norm.   But hey! Recently I found one that doesn’t make me or my girls burn and it’s organic natural ingredients.  So win-win!  Even if I wasn’t burning before, I use this one because if it isn’t making it worse, and it may be making things better, then why not?


SUN BUM sunscreen favs Click an image to SHOP


*I’ve included likes and dislikes

Sunscreen:  SunBum sunscreens come in 10 spf up to 70.  Although take this with a grain of salt, but a few dermatologists have told me that spf all wears off after 30 minutes or so.  The number is just how strong it is during that 30 minutes. And I’d have to agree from experience.

After Sun Aloe Mist:  This smells great, but I don’t like how it feels oily, but dry at the same time…it confuses my mind and I probably wouldn’t buy it again. As far as hydrating goes, I find using coconut oil or a body butter more effective.

Sunscreen Stick:  This is amaaazing!  It doesn’t run in your eyes.  Especially great with kiddos.

Tanning oil:  Because duh!  To me tanning oil is tanning oil.  But I like that this one doesn’t have any of those crazy chemicals.

Tan Accelerator:  I’m conflicted…I felt like it did work (supposed to speed up the tanning process) but it feels like I’m rubbing chocolate pudding all over myself.  The texture is like pudding, the color is like pudding, and it smells like cheap chocolate scent.  But that might just be bothersome to me, because it has good reviews.  It’s worth giving a try if tanning oil isn’t cutting it for you.

3 in 1 leave in sun hair treatment I spritz this on before swimming, and after the shower.  Smells like coconut and makes my hair super soft.