Tee | Very similar jeans | Skip Hop Diaper bag | Tennies (just size down for men’s)


It’s Monday!  Time to actually do all those things you said you’d do last week that you didn’t do, but still want to do.  😉 (have I lost you yet?)
To face the days ahead I would be helpless without my bag of ‘weapons’  First off let me say that a back-pack is the way to go.   I started out with a shoulder bag Kylie and my shoulders very quickly hated me!  I’ve LOVED this diaper bag since day one and would highly recommend + it’s super lightweight on its own unlike many other diaper bags.
We went to see Black Panther last night (our second date of the year! lol)  Oh my goodness you guys need to see it.  It was refreshing to have a culturally different super hero movie for a change.  But oh my heck!  I mean I love Michael B. Jordan but this movie made me HATE him.  But my theater father always said, if you are supposed to dislike their character and you do then they did a fantastic job.  So I hate him, but still love him for it lol.
But on the flip side of being able to go out without the little people, most of my life is not like that.  So I need to have my secret weapons in order to tackle each day happily and stress fee (well as stress free as possible).  So I’m going to share my main things I ALWAYS have in my diaper bag.


SNACKS, SNACKS, SNACKS:  Kids always seem to be hungry, and it always hits at the most inconvenient times.  So I ALWAYS make sure to have a good variety of quick, easy and relatively mess free snacks.  Some favorites are
– Apple Sauce pouches (Kirkland brand at Costco has the best deal that I’ve found)
-Baggies of goldfish or Annie’s bunny cracker snacks
-String cheese (this only if it’s a short trip…it gets gross real fast
*Avoid super sugary snacks because that only makes kiddos cranky

WATER:  Don’t know what your kids are like, but I’m toting around little camels.  If they are thirsty there is no consoling them until it’s quenched.  They will not be content or eat anything else period!  So I make sure to have a water bottle for each of them (because they go through that much, and Kylie is a tiny bit possessive of her water bottle.  I only use THESE children size Contigo bottles.  If you have a Costco membership they are  3 for $12!

LOTS OF WIPES: Somehow kids find a way to get their hands sticky when there is nothing sticky in sight.  Ps DO NOT use wipes on kids face, it makes them completely raw.

DIAPERS: Obviously

EXTRA PANTIES AND BOTTOMS: Harley doesn’t really have blow outs anymore, but Kylie is prone to accidents.  Doesn’t happen that often, but just in case, I’ve been only halfway through my errands and Kylie creates a puddle of pee and at 3 yrs you can’t just let them go naked in public.

BRIBERY TREATS:  Sometimes those moments arise when your child just WILL NOT cooperate is just wants to go home only 10 minutes after leaving the house and they let you know on repeat.  So that’s when you pull out the BRIBES or offer the bribes “IFs”.  Right now Kylie loves the Trolli gummies.

PACIFIER:  Both my girls only really liked the Wubbanub paci.  We’ve gone through 3 between the 2 girls.  First one was lost at Costco.  Second literally fell apart (I tried sewing the paci back on…didn’t last too long) and now we’re on numero 3.